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Pearson is the world’s largest education company, providing quality solutions and services for self study. It aspires to seamlessly combine its international standards, content and expertise with the national curriculum Hence The Global Edge School has partnered with Pearson for Edurite Digiclass to enhance the student’s learning experience.
Edurite Learning Centre, a division of Pearson, is India’s fastest growing brand of high-quality, result-driven coaching services for various Entrance (CET, AIEEE, IIT-JEE, AIPMT) and School/Board exams (State, CBSE, ICSE).
Our The Global Edge School classrooms are now equipped with the latest audio-video infrastructure based on the Edurite Tutoring Platform™ that employs unit-level multimedia tools, animations and interactive elements, making classes highly interesting and ensuring participation from all students. With unique features such as 3D graphics and the ability to magnify and go deep into the object under discussion, the teachers use these tools to maximize the learning experience for students.
Hence, the smart boards enhance and enrich the teaching learning experience of both the pupils and the teachers leading to a productive and highly interactive session resulting in quality learning.
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